Flussansicht mit Wasserwerk der Überbauung "am Aawasser" mit ecocoach AG

Centrally Control and Monitor Energy and Building Technology

Settlement «am Aawasser»

The «am Aawasser» development in Buochs comprises three energy-sufficiency apartment blocks with an integrated energy management solution. The innovative project, completed in 2020, combines photovoltaics with electricity storage and hydropower. As a result, the buildings and a public charging station for electric vehicles are supplied entirely with renewable energy. The energy management system controls the energy and building technology and ensures that all energy flows are recorded and billed centrally.

6374 Buochs 

Housing estate with
3 apartment blocks

Electrical energy consumption
approx. 140,000 kWh / year

Unique and comprehensive energy concept

Sämi Zgraggen's vision was to revitalise the little-used hydroelectric power plant of a former sawmill on the Engelberger Aa. About 10 years ago, he started planning his project: the turbine was to supply three apartment blocks with energy in the future. To achieve the goal of an energy-self-sufficient settlement, he designed a unique energy concept. This includes power generation as well as the control and reduction of power consumption.

Independent energy supply through hydropower and solar energy

The almost complete energy supply is based on a total photovoltaic output of 124 kWp. The energy management system, the ecoEnergyCoach, maximises self-consumption and stores surplus electricity in four battery storage units, the ecoBatterySystems, each with a capacity of 65 kWh. Once the storage capacities are exhausted, the electricity is converted into thermal energy.

The holistic system controls all building functions and supports billing

Tenants can control the heating and ventilation as well as the lighting and other functions of their flat via a central, intuitive app from ecocoach AG. The neighbourhood is heated by three groundwater heat pumps with an output of 40 kW each. Property management is recorded, and all functions, including the recording of energy and water flows, are billed via the ecocoach app. The electricity consumption of the charging points is automatically charged to the respective tenants. The four battery storage units, the entire energy management system and the intelligent control of the building technology are all integrated into the ecocoach AG ecosystem.

Illustration: The ecocoach system platform

The houses cover around 50 per cent of their electricity requirements with these components. The remaining electricity is supplied by a hydroelectric power plant directly adjacent to the estate. With the help of 70 million cubic metres of water that flows through the turbine each year - the equivalent of 465 million bathtubs - it generates an annual output of 380 megawatt hours of electricity. The total output of the power plant is sufficient for around 100 households, and the CO2 savings compared to a natural gas power plant are 162 tonnes per year.

Coordinating the energy technology becomes a challenge

The hydroelectric power station was remodelled mainly for its new task. In addition, the apartment blocks were equipped with a photovoltaic system and three heat pumps. A technical hot water tank with a volume of 10.5 m3 serves as a thermal battery. This provides the residents of the housing estate with as much sustainable energy as possible.

But because the project is so unique, the team led by Sämi Zgraggen faces various challenges: How can the different energy sources be optimally harmonised? How should the energy be stored in the event of a surplus? How can the entire system supply consumers with the right amount of power at the right time? The different components of the energy technology must be harmonised to ensure an.


The battery storage systems and the energy management system from ecocoach AG regulate the energy flows

After several concept designs, it became clear that the energy management system and battery storage systems from ecocoach AG were particularly well suited to mastering the challenges of the «Am Aawasser» development. The ecoEnergyCoach, the energy management system, becomes an integrative component of energy echnology. It measures the energy flows of the entire development and controls them as efficiently as possible. ecoBatterySystems stores surplus energy in the stationary storage system and is thus able to compensate for fluctuations in energy production and load peaks.

Four battery storage units with a total capacity of 260 kWh are now installed in the new technical room. A PLC control system is also in use, which optimally supports the energy management system. In addition, each residential unit has its own hardware for measuring energy flows. This means that energy consumption can also be measured at the level of the residential units.

The ecocoach platform solution visualises the energy flows

The ecocoach system is commissioned using the ecoSetupTool, part of the digital ecocoach platform solution. Installers can perform parameterisation or check possible fault messages using drag-and-drop functions. The ecocoach platform also includes a web app for monitoring and controlling energy flows. The entire estate's energy production and energy consumption are measured in real-time and can be visualised. This enables ongoing optimisation of the energy budget and transparent billing of ancillary costs.

The app is also available to residents at flat level. Thanks to the application, they can view the energy consumption of their flat or check the charge status of their electric car, for example. Four battery storage units with a total capacity of 260 kWh are now installed in the new technical room. A PLC control system is also in use, optimally supporting the energy management system. In addition, each residential unit has its hardware for measuring energy flows. This means that energy consumption can also be calculated at the level of the residential units.

Figure: Production of the PV system over the course of a day visible in the web app

Innovative rental price concept promotes sustainable behaviour

The entire development stands for innovation and sustainability. However, it is not just the building and the energy system itself that are unique. Sämi Zgraggen has also designed a new rental concept: Part of the rental price is a so-called energy budget available for individual energy consumption. Additional energy costs are only incurred when this particular budget is exhausted.

In combination with the ecocoach app, which visualises the energy consumption of the residential units, tenants will be able to see where they stand "energy-wise" at any time in future. This raises awareness of their own consumption and promotes efficient usage behaviour. Tenants also have access to an electric car, which they can use once a month for one day free of charge and then on an hourly basis.

Pointing the way to an innovative and sustainable energy future

Sämi Zgraggen does not have to worry about any vacancies in his development. Thanks to the innovative tenant concept, all flats are rented out. With its energy production and storage, the development currently achieves a degree of self-sufficiency of 90 %. With his project, developer Sämi Zgraggen wants to lead the way and demonstrate potential: «The energy revolution can only be achieved if we act now. I want to demonstrate what energy-efficient, intelligent construction and living can look like today - and at marketable rents.»

Sämi Zgraggen has utilised the local conditions and recognised an opportunity to combine hydropower, solar energy, and storage. His project shows that largely energy-sufficient living is already feasible today - with the help of innovative energy and building technology and ecocoach AG.

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Then contact us today to arrange a viewing appointment with an ecocoach specialist.


Reference details

Photovoltaic system
  • Output124 kWp
  • Electricity production approx. 140,000 kWh/year

4x battery system

  • Storage capacity 65 kWh / total capacity 260 kWh
  • Charging & discharging capacity 24 kW / total capacity 96 kW
  • Emergency power capability: No

Energy management system

  • Visualisation of energy data
  • Self-consumption optimisation
  • Optimisation & control of energy flows from hydropower plant, photovoltaics & battery

Charging management / load management for charging stations

  • Number of charging station(s): 4x private & 1x public for visitors
  • Brand: «Heidelberg»
  • Scalability: Charging stations per residential unit possible
  • Billing: Direct allocation & billing per residential unit

Billing system for ancillary costs

  • Energy flows of the 26 residential units & 3 commercial spaces
  • Heating, cold & hot water
  • Electricity / ZEV
  • Charging station
  • Specified energy budget per residential unit

A platform for commissioning by installers enables configuration without programming knowledge

ecocoach App

Advantages for tenants:

  • Control of the flat
  • Visualisation of energy data
  • Energy budget for your own home
  • Creation of scenes

Advantages for landlords:

  • Monitoring of the entire complex
  • Alarm message directly on the smartphone
  • Simple billing
  • Customer loyalty
Smart Home

Heating / ventilation / light / blinds

Special features
  • Hydroelectric power station
  • The hot water tank (10.5 m3) serves as a thermal battery
  • Public charging station
  • Management of the energy budget per residential unit
  • Optimisation & control of the energy flows from the hydropower plant, photovoltaics & battery
Participating companies

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