PV-Anlage auf Dach einer Villa

Energy Management & Battery Storage ensure full power despite limited grid connection

Solution for large family home

In this project, it was clear that the grid provider could not extend the existing connection for this new build. However, as the owner wanted to design his villa according to his wishes, he needed an appropriate solution. Our partner, therefore, offered the package with a photovoltaic system and battery storage. The battery storage system, which has an integrated energy management system, thus controls the grid connection.



Electrical energy consumption
approx. 81,000 kWh / year

Task / Initial Situation

In this project, it was clear from the outset that the grid provider could not extend the existing grid connection for this new build. However, as the owner wanted to design his villa according to his wishes, he needed an appropriate solution. Our partner, therefore, offered the package with a photovoltaic system and battery storage. The battery storage system, which has an integrated energy management system, thus controls the grid connection.

The Challenge

The various energy consumers, such as the main house, granny flat, charging stations, swimming pool and heat pump, all had to be harmonised. This challenge, the different energy consumers and the coupling with the emergency power function were mastered thanks to the expertise of ecocoach AG. This meant that all consumers could be installed despite the limited grid connection.

Solution Approach by ecocoach AG 

An integrated energy management system is required to take over peak shaving to maintain the entire system automatically. The grid connection is limited to 30 kW, for example. However, if you want to use all the appliances involved, you would need 50 kW, for example. As too much power is required simultaneously, it would trigger the fuses. With the ecoEnergyCoach, the energy management system, the limit becomes clear. On one hand, it controls the consumers by limiting or deactivating them. On the other hand, the batteries are discharged precisely when the remaining required power is needed.

Result / Benefit

As the grid connection is too small, the battery storage system with energy management is required to balance demand. This ensures regular operation and all the necessary energy consumers can be used - without compromising comfort.

Reference details

Photovoltaic system
  • Output 
  • Electricity production approx. 81,000 kWh/year

2x battery system

  • Storage capacity 45.5 kWh / total capacity 91 kWh
  • Charging & discharging power 22.75 kW / total power 45.5 kW
  • Emergency power capability: Yes

Energy management system

  • Visualisation of energy data
  • Self-consumption optimisation
  • Optimisation & control of energy flows from photovoltaics & battery optimisation
  • Peak shaving optimisation

Charging management / load management for charging stations

  • 4 charging stations (private)
  • Brand: Weidmüller optimisation
  • scalable optimisation
  • No billing, as private use optimisation

No billing system for additional costs


Platform for commissioning by installers, enables configuration without programming knowledge

ecocoach App

Advantages for owners:

  • Visualisation of energy flows
  • Alarm message directly on smartphone
  • Control of the charging stations
Smart Home

No smart home

Special features
  • Existing grid connection did not need to be extended as the load peaks are covered by the battery storage system
  • Dynamic load management of heat pump & charging stations
  • - Combination of large PV system and emergency power function
Participating companies

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