Key Visual ecoBatteryHub "New Launch"

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The stationary battery storage system for commercial, industrial, residential and agricultural applications


Wood Building

Transformation of the energy supply

KOCH AG relies on ecocoach
Battery storage, energy & charging

click here for the article 

Zwei Elektro-LKW der REAL Luzern

Charging E-Trucks

Sustainable on the Road

The Lucerne utility REAL relies on charging & load management from ecocoach


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We are driven by a fascination with innovative technologies and the pursuit of energy self-sufficiency. We develop efficient solutions for energy and charging management and pioneer battery storage systems for individual buildings and entire neighbourhoods, all in the spirit of energy independence for people, their communities, and companies.

Innovative energy technology with holistic solutions

Energieflüsse werden mit dem ecoEnergyCoach von ecocoach AG überwacht und gesteuert

Energy Management

Optimise your electricity consumption. For maximum efficiency and ecology. With our intelligent energy management system for buildings and neighbourhoods.

Effizient das Elektroauto laden mit dem Lademanagement-System, dem ecoChargingCoach, von ecocoach AG

Charging Management

Charge several electric vehicles simultaneously and optimise costs without expensive grid expansion. This is possible thanks to our clever charging management, including our billing system.

Mitarbeiter am ecoBatterySystem, dem stationären Batteriespeicher von ecocoach AG

Battery Storage

Utilise the potential of the sun. With our battery storage systems, you can utilise solar power around the clock. For households, your business and charging stations.

Our reference customers and reference projects make the future of energy tangible

Energy management, Battery storage

Senior Center St. Antonius: Sustainable, Secure, and Future-Oriented

With ecocoach technology, Caritas optimises its energy supply and reduces CO₂ emissions. The combination of PV systems, cogeneration plants, and battery storage ensures the highest level of energy security.
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Senior Center St. Antonius: Sustainable, Secure, and Future-Oriented

Sustainable timber construction with PV, battery storage and energy management

Electric lorry in action: Fast charging on a rubbish collection tour 

Operating a cheese dairy sustainably & safely with battery storage, PV and energy management

PV-Anlage auf Dach einer Villa

Battery storage solution for limited grid connection

 Public fast-charging park Freiburg

Turnkey e-mobility charging solution

Agricultural business saves energy costs with battery storage

Cross-area control of energy, e-mobility & smart home

All-in-one: battery storage, energy management and automation from a single source

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